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Refund & Returns Policy

1.How to cancel an order?
After the order is paid successfully, the user can check the order status in the order details.
If the order has not been packaged and shipped, you can cancel the order in the order details.
If the order has already been packaged and shipped, the order cannot be cancelled because the order has already been processed and the package cannot be returned.
If you confirm that you want to cancel a shipped order, please contact us as soon as possible at [email protected] at the customer’s expense.

2.Return the goods?
Our returns are valid for 45 days. We will not be able to provide you with a refund or exchange if it is 45 days after you received the product.
If you wish to return your item, please contact us at [email protected] prior to your return.
If you are returning your item, your item must be unused, not subject to secondary sales, and must be in its original packaging.
Customers are responsible for all round-trip shipping costs for returns due to customer preference, misuse, or other reasons that we also accept.
Giftiii reserves the right to refuse to return or replace items that are not in new condition due to customer damage or misuse.

3.What if the product is damaged in transit?
It’s a pity you didn’t receive the item in good condition, please send an email to [email protected] with your unboxing video and proof of purchase, and we’ll arrange for a reissue or partial refund for you.

4.What if the product is out of stock?
Please contact us at [email protected] with your unboxing video and proof of purchase and we will arrange for a reissue or partial refund for you.

5.Warranty Claims for Quality-Related Issues
Returns will not be accepted after 45 days of item arrival. When you contact us by mail to request a return within 45 days of the product’s arrival, we may ask you to provide a valid proof of purchase and photos and videos that reflect the problem with the product.
Valid Proof of Purchase: The order number of the product purchased through Giftiii.
Please note that processing a warranty claim may require several types of proof of purchase (such as a remittance receipt and confirmation of the item’s original shipping address).

Once the returned item arrives at Giftiii’s warehouse and has been successfully inspected, the refund process will begin. The refund amount will be credited back to your payment account within 1-2 business days. The exact refund time depends on your payment method, please be patient and don’t rush.

7.Delayed or lost refunds
If you haven’t received your refund after 2 business days, please check your payment account again first. Then contact your credit card company and it may take some time for your refund to be officially issued. Next, contact your bank. Due to factors beyond our control (bank processing time, etc.), it usually takes some processing time to see the refund in your account. If you have done all of this and have not received your refund 10 business days after we issued it, please contact us at [email protected] .

8.Shipping/Relisting Fee
To return your product, please first email your order number to [email protected] for more information.
You should send your product to 1846 E. Innovation Park Dr., STE 100, ORO VALLEY,Arizona, United States.
For returns, please email your order number to [email protected] for more information.
*If there is no product quality problem, the return shipping fee due to the customer’s personal reasons, such as dislike/wrong color/wrong size, etc., the return shipping fee will be borne by the buyer.
*If the product is defective/damaged/missing item/wrong item, Giftiii is responsible for the return, and the return postage is borne by Giftiii.
*We do not charge re-listing fees.